Mackworth Island Preschool and Portland site-based programs will be closed Thursday, February 13, 2025, due to predicted weather.
Although we are pleased to share events from our affiliates, we are only able to guarantee the accuracy and suitability of events sponsored by MECDHH/GBSD. For news and more detailed information about events, subscribe to our newsletter HERE!
Please join MECDHH/GBSD's Shana Kelley-Cohen, LCSW, and Early Intervention providers in this connection group for caregivers of children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. This week: Open discussion Zoom /meeting room # 819 9833 3758 For more information, contact Amy Spencer:
Tuesday, February 25 @ 4:30pm, Pine Tree Academy, Freeport, ME
THURSDAYS. Join other families with children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing, ages 0-5.
Thursday, February 27 @ 4:00pm, MECDHH/GBSD Falmouth, ME
For Deaf and Hard of Hearing athletes of all backgrounds! Bring a sibling or buddy with you! Learn: basketball skills, character development, ASL basketball concepts and signs. For: Girls age 6-10 Boys age 11-15 Register Now!